React useState Hook example



The React useState Hook allows us to track state in a function component.

State generally refers to data or properties that need to be tracking in an application.

we need to Import useState

To use the useState Hook, we first need to import it into our component.

import { useState } from "react";

Initialize useState

We initialize our state by calling useState in our function component.


useState accepts an initial state and returns two values:

  • The current state.
  • A function that updates the state.


Initialize state at the top of the function component.

import { useState } from "react";

function GetColor() {
  const [color, setColor] = useState("");


we can notice here, we are de structuring the returned values from useState.

The first value, color, is our current state.

The second value, setColor, is the function that is used to update our state.

we set the initial state to an empty string: useState("")





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